Last Tuesday I got a call from my good friend Jay saying that Johnny Cupcakes was having a lecture 30 minutes away at 5 o'clock. As soon as I got off work I hopped in my car and drove there with one goal in mind. You see I attended one of his lectures previously in October 2009. I have heard his story and gained great inspiration from it. My reason for going this time was to be featured on the blog. I listened to his great tips and waited it out as I watched other people have conversations with him. Then finally it was my turn. With a hearty handshake I introduced myself and started asking him in depth questions about his blog. I have been following his blog for about 2 years now so I know a lot about what goes on with his brand. Then I asked him the dreaded question, "Do you think you can post about me on your blog?" He said that he could not guarantee anything I gave him my business card and he told me to hold it up as he snapped a few pictures of me. Then we shook hands and parted. The whole way home I was kicking myself, "Man I should have told him more of what has happened to me since I started this brand. The collections I released the people I've met, the emails I have received. I should have said so much more. He will never post about me. I didn't really tell him anything. I thought I blew it. I thought I missed my opportunity. I played the scenario over and over in my head of what I should have done. Then on Saturday morning I woke up, went to his blog and I saw this picture.
Experiment in courage.
To see the full blog post at Johnny Cupcakes click here
Experiment in courage.
To see the full blog post at Johnny Cupcakes click here